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Kate Campbell: Minneapolis postpartum doula


FEB 2025 MAT. LEAVE UPDATE: Kate is taking postpartum clients and Body Ready Method prep session clients, but is not currently taking birth doula clients. 

Kate Campbell, CD(BADT)

Hi, I'm Kate (she/her), a full-spectrum birth and postpartum doula based in South Minneapolis. Admittedly a lifelong birth nerd, it still took me a long time and a few careers to figure out this is what I needed to be. I love getting to see babies be born, but even more than that I love witnessing the birth of parents. Watching families grow and form in those first few moments and months is such a privilege, and is a transformation so rarely acknowledged outside the family. 


I love a good parenting class or childbirth book, because they're great for building competence. But my goal as a doula is to help build your confidence. I want you to do research and take the evidence and then make informed birth and parenting decisions that work for you. I want you to listen when your gut tells you something feels off with your body or baby, and to connect you to resources and professionals that can help. You already have everything in you that you need to succeed; it helps to hear it from someone else, though. 


As my favorite birth song says, "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." Yes, "Closing Time" is absolutely about birth. And even though birth is the end of pregnancy, it is also the beginning of parenthood which is a much longer and more mysterious journey. As a birth doula, I work with all my clients to plan ahead for that vulnerable time as you recover from pregnancy and birth so you are not caught off guard. And as a postpartum doula, I show up to help keep things moving so you can prioritize rest, nourishment, and bonding with your baby. My love languages are acts of service and warm bread, and I come ready to give both!


When I am not supporting new parents and their babies, I work in the warehouse of a local baby carrier company (yes I can teach you how to babywear) and design knitting patterns. I have a weakness for chocolate-covered pretzels and mystery novels. My husband and dog keep me company on road trips, hikes, and brewery patios. 


  • Full-Spectrum Doula training, Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings, Fall 2021

  • Minnesota Birth Center Doula Intern, March—November 2022

  • Postpartum Doula training, Birthing Advocacy Doula Training, Summer 2022

  • BLS Provider CPR training with In-Pulse CPR, June 2022

  • C.A.B. Lactation for Birth Workers, October 2022

  • Body Ready Method, Fall 2022

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