Our doulas care is more than hip squeezes and replenishing cold washcloths. Our care is heavy on education, advocacy, and intuition. It begins in your home with the person who knows you best: your partner. We talk about your expectations of your partner's role in supporting you, and help create your birth plan so both your partner and doula know what you want.
In our hybrid childbirth education course you will be introduced to the good, the realistic, and the twisty reality of labor and birth but you will leave feeling confident to use your B.R.A.I.N to make informed decisions for your family.
Our care continues In the birth space, we create a collaborative team with your medical providers. We are not afraid to ask questions or talk to your medical care team, or use our voice to advocate for you if your voice isn't being heard. We are a no nonsense doula team, if you ask us a question we will be extremely honest with you and provide you with evidence you need to make the best decision for you and your family.
We don't stop there, care continues with an in home lactation visit to get your infant feeding journey set on the right foot, supported. You can continue to contact our team for your first 12 weeks of postpartum with all of your questions. We know that support is imperative in the postpartum recovery experience. Become part of our Village and contact us today.
Learn more about our birth doulas in their bios to see who you want to work with.
No preference? No problem! We will match you with the doula we think is best.

Birth Doula Package
We know you love your partner, but birth can get long and making decisions in vulnerable situations can be really hard. Our goal as your doulas is to provide you with time and space to make informed decisions. Birth is a major life experience and we want your birth to be positive. We don't care if you're planning a c-section, want an epidural, or are dreaming of an unmedicated birth in the woods surrounded by baby deer... We care that you know your options, and you feel heard and respected in your decisions.
Start your journey by building your birth knowledge foundation and end it with in-home lactation support and 12 weeks of unlimited text support from our team.
Our birth doula package includes:
Unlimited text, phone, and email support from the time you sign the contract through 12 weeks postpartum.
1-2 in-home prenatal visits lasting 1-2 hours each (can be scheduled evenings/weekends). During these visits we get to know you on a deeper level so we can support you in a personalized way. We also use this time to practice labor positions and help guide you as you create your birth plan.
24 hour on-call support for your birth from 38-42 weeks.
Unlimited labor support in your home and/or birth place (hospital or birth center). We'll join you as early as you'd like, and stay as long as you'd like.
Continued support, even when the plan changes. We don't leave you if you need medical tools like an epidural or a c-section.
In the event of a c-section, we will advocate to join you in the OR, if you desire our presence. However, it is up to your anesthesiologist and OB team who they decide to let into the OR.​
Immediate postpartum support for approximately 1-3 hours post birth. We stay with you until you're settled with baby, and will help with your first feeding if desired.
1 in-home postpartum visit to debrief your birth experience. We talk through what happened, answer any questions you have about yourself or baby, and provide postpartum resources.
1 freezer meal and lactation treat (provided at your postpartum visit).
CHOOSE BETWEEN LACTATION OR CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION. Note: there is an additional $225 add-on fee, if you’d like both of these services.
Lactation Package with a lactation counselor, including: one prenatal phone/video call, one postpartum home visit, and 12 weeks of text support with your lactation provider.
Childbirth education class: Preparing for Childbirth (Lamaze). A 4-week group class, or a private 3-hour class with Bria.
Priority access to all other optional classes, workshops, and/or events we offer, and a 25% discount on their fees.
Referrals for additional resources.
[Hiring a doula] is by far one of the best decisions we ever made. My husband was a little skeptical when I said I wanted to hire a doula but since our baby was born he is now the first one to recommend them to anyone he knows having a baby.